Add this code to the <head>
<!-- Link Scroller CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Add this code to </body>
<!-- Scroller JS -->
<script src=""></script>
Use this structure to make it work
<div class="scroller"> <!-- It's a unique class under each setting for scroller.js-->
<div class="scroller-wrapper"> <!-- This class always remains the same!!!-->
<!-- Next, we place all the elements that need to participate in the infinite carousel.-->
<div class="scroller-item"> Content </div>
<img src="Link to your image">
Or we can use this structure in Webflow

Set the settings and make it work for you.
<!-- Initialize Scroller -->
initMyScroller(".scroller", {
speed: 20, // Animation speed in seconds. If no parameter is set default is 40 seconds.
direction: "left", // Direction of travel. "left" or "right". If the parameter is not set, the movement will be to the left
columnGap: 2, // Distance between elements in REM
duplicates: 1 //Number of duplicates. If there are not enough elements for scrolling, I recommend to set 2 or more. The default is 1 duplicate.